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Your comments following recent parents' feedback

Your comments following recent parents' feedback

by Nisih -
Number of replies: 0

Here are all of the comments you provided following recently distributed feedback form.  It is clear from your feedback that the soroban and the integration of the fun aspects of maths learning have helped boost your children's confidence in attempting more challenging maths questions and progressing further in their mathematical ability.  The fun aspect of the club has reduced the anxiety which some of your children have towards maths.

The question asked :  Are there any aspects of numeracy that you or/and the school feel that your child has improved on since joining The Abacus Club?

Your comments:

There are many, significantly his confidence in his own ability.  I don't think the school were making him feel able at all, through the abacus classes he now believes he can do it, and he believes that he is good at maths.  His mental maths have improved significantly over the last 6 months.  He works hard but can see the rewards both in the abacus club achievements, but also in the work he is doing at school and the progress he has made there.  Those are the two striking improvements however there are times tables, complex maths sums too.

My child can now complete sums in her head, is better at her times tables and has increased confidence in doing mathematical questions in class.  I strongly recommend The Abacus Club.

Confidence in mental arithmetic

Number bonds to 10 and times table

My daughter isn't fearful of numbers anymore - She will try most math problems with confidence. Her ability to work things out in her head is much better. She enjoys the 'club' element of learning without the pressure of a classroom environment - it is less stressful for her, and it's fun with her mates. She enjoys abacus homework more than anything else because it's fun, online-based etc. Perhaps the school can take something from this.

Place value and concentration.

Confidence and enjoyment of maths has really improved. The class teacher said her mental maths has improved.

Mental maths.

My daughter's work generally has improved this year, but I think Abacus Club has contributed to her improvement in mental maths in particular.

Place value and confidence and enjoymen.

All aspects of numeracy. He has become quicker and more confident generally.